Mike Davis, a longtime safety who made one of the biggest plays in franchise history, has died at the age of 65, the team announced Sunday. Davis played 10 seasons with the franchise and helped the Raiders win two Super Bowls."The Raiders K.J. Wright Jersey Family is deeply saddened by the pa sing of Mike Davis," the club said in a statement posted to . "Mike made one of the most famous plays in franchise history, the "Red Right 88" interception to clinch the 1980 AFC Divisional playoff game in Cleveland. The win secured a place in the AFC Championship Game for the Raiders, who would then go on to win Super Bowl XV."Davis was selected by the then-Oakland squad in 1977 after playing his college ball at Colorado. Of his 115 career games, 107 were spent wearing the silver and black (he spent the 1987 season with the ). As the team noted, Davis is most known for that interception to help the Raiders advance and eventually Sam Young Jersey move on to a Super Bowl title during the 1980 season. He recorded 11 interceptions and 12 fumble recoveries in the regular season over the course of his career and was a part the Raiders' Super Bowl XV and Super Bowl XVIII championship teams. "Mike was a beloved teammate, friend and cherished part of our family," the team said. "The thoughts and prayers Theo Riddick Jersey of the Raider Nation are with Mike's family: Mary, Mike Jr. and Allen. Mike will forever be in our hearts and minds."
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